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+91 9999 69 1414
D 44, Old Gupta Colony, Near Kalyan Vihar Bus Stand, Delhi 110009
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North Delhi Real Estate
Established in 2015, OM Properties is a trusted real estate company located in North Delhi. With years of experience in the industry, we have built strong reputation for providing excellent services in. Buy - Sell - Rent, Kothis, Flats, Floors, Shops in Civil lines, Model town, tagore park, Gujranwala town, Derawal nagar, B.D.Estate, Ashok vihar, Hudson lines, Outram lines, Mukherjee nagar, Kalyan vihar, Vijay nagar, Roop nagar, Shalimar bagh, Netaji subhash place, Pitampura. Contact us for collaboration needs.
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